- Farm and home
The recent classification of 0 to 3 in the market with respect to eggs according to their types, is even reflected in restaurant menus so that the consumer knows what type of hens they come from and how they have been raised and fed.
This classification is stipulated according to four different production systems, all of them endorsed and certified by the European Union where it should be framed that the nutritional composition of the egg does not vary in any of the four systems, although in its flavor.
Type 0 eggs are organically produced where the chickens are raised in freedom by pecking herbs, cereals and vegetables from the field, and all this brings nuances to the color and taste of the egg, so the place where the chicken is raised is essential. Despite the popular idea these chickens also eat fodder as it is the basis of their diet.
Chicken eggs free-range or type 1, is raised in the same conditions as organic, but consumes feed of non-organic origin. These are raised in a chicken coop with space to move around and an outdoor park where to go out and peck. Like the ecological one, the feeding influences the organoleptic properties of the egg.
The chicken eggs of soil or type 2, come from hens that live in a ship in which they have space to walk and move. They feed exclusively on feed and have artificial lighting, since otherwise they could not lay eggs.
Finally, type 3 eggs come from hens in cages that by 2012 the EU defined a regulation of 750 cm2 per hen that is much higher than in countries such as Brazil or the United States with approximately 350 cm2 per hen.
COPELE develops products that make it easier for the producer and the final consumer to produce eggs within categories 0 and 1, reducing costs and optimizing the necessary space in order to make their production profitable. Being self-consumption one of the current trends with greater acceptance for environmental benefits.
Nesting boxes, feeders, automatic drinkers, among others, are the basic elements to consider in raising chickens in practical ways. Each and every one of them always created under the premise of animal welfare.