- Farm and home

Are you an entrepreneur and are you looking for a business model that requires little investment? Are you a farmer and want to change your business model? Do you dedicate yourself to the agricultural world and would like to know a complementary business to your main activity? If you identify yourself with these questions, you cannot miss this blog where we will discuss a business model that can turn your professional and work life.
The 21st century is marked by the price war that the large multinationals carry, where it is impossible to compete with them, making traditional businesses die or reinvent themselves.
Thanks to the fact that many of these companies take the initiative to reinvent themselves, the user can benefit from a multitude of options in the market. A clear case is found in the food sector, where differentiation is practically the basis of success. The denominations of origin or the labels of products Ecological, Biological and even Organic are the "fashionable" differences that stand out among all. In the case of the sale of eggs, the supermarket chains themselves have gone beyond classifying the eggs from 0 to 3 according to the way in which they were produced, creating a trend between the sector and the regulation regulations that It comes from Brussels.
Once you have seen that market rules and how consumer preferences are changing, you may wonder ... How could COPELE help me? The answer is simple; adapting our products so that you can reinvent your business or create a project based on market needs and trends. That is why we have designed a team that allows you to easily and economically produce eggs classified as “Type 0 and 1”.
This equipment consists of a mobile pen, plus all the necessary accessories to raise and produce eggs classified as "Type 0 and 1". This kind of production is possible thanks to the fact that the philosophy of these pens is none other than that hens can graze freely in the field and that at night they have a place to shelter themselves from the weather and possible predators. The fact that our corral can move through the land in an easy and simple way, as you can see in the video, assures us that the chickens will be able to enjoy new areas of fresh pastures, these pastures being a rich source of natural food that will be one of the bases of your nutritional diet. All COPELE accessories work perfectly in this type of pens, so we can offer you the best solution for your integral project of organic production of meat or eggs.
This business model is much easier and cheaper than an intensive farm, so it is much more accessible for any entrepreneur or farmer who wants to start a business with little investment and can become a very important source of income for their economy.
Type 0 and 1 eggs are highly valued in the market, so the margin that is obtained from sale is much higher. The way of producing them encourages the creativity of the farmer who can assert his product against other competitors. With this production technique, we can reach a consumer aware of the sustainability of the planet and the animal-friendly production.
In short, all professionals in the sector tend to specialize in price or differentiation. And COPELE offers a product to differentiate itself from other competitors, in the hands of a leading company in the sector with more than 65 years accompanying and watching hundreds of thousands of farmers grow around the world.