- Farm and home

It is indisputable that the dog is the best friend of man, an unconditional support that is part of our lives, but sometimes our pet can cause annoying situations due to incessant barking, generating discomfort among the neighborhood that can sometimes lead to complaints and fines.
When they become compulsive barking, it can exceed the hearing limits, affecting the safety and health of people, due to the shocks derived from them, and / or excessive noise, being classified in the Penal Code as a neighborhood crime.
In COPELE we have incorporated two anti-barking collars, to educate your dog not to bark thanks to two models, always being our main mission the welfare and protection of our pets:
- Model normal anti bark collar: through a joint action, depending on how we select one mode or another.
- Sound + vibration.
- Sound + non-damaging static stimulation (which is activated once the electrodes perceive the barking, with a small stimulus the dog will react, especially for those who need an action stronger than sound + vibration).
- Model remote control training collar: through its range control up to 500 meters, with wrist strap, we can activate the different options:
- Vibration.
- Sound + static stimulation not harmful.
One of the examples of use for this model: when your pet is in another room of the home, and begins to bark, through remote control, you can activate the collar and calm it, preventing it from disturbing the rest.
For both models, it is advisable not to handle them in front of our pet, they must be present at the beginning of their use, controlling the reaction to the collars while we put them on, that is, using positive reinforcement, not considering the device as a punishment, and that our collars, improves behavior persuasively. Regulating the intensity and using it in a responsible and sensible way, helps to favor the behavior of our dog, its relationship with the environment and its well-being, our fundamental objective.
Economically, quickly and easily the dog will learn to control their barking, improving coexistence at home and with other neighbors.