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The Copele Group, has a tradition of more than 50 years, to celebrate May 1, worker's day, with them; all those who make up his human team, together with the extended Galián Vivancos family, joining in a day of coexistence, games, gifts and recognitions.
This tradition was started by its founder, Don Andrés Galián Alcaraz, who recognized and valued the importance of the human factor within the company. For this reason, he wanted May 1 to signify recognition of the worker; going further, that this was a mere day of vindication.
This year it also had the Rincón Huertano Restaurant in Beniaján as a framework of celebration, using its facilities and exteriors, to carry out different activities and competitions, followed by a special lunch, and a subsequent act in which the different recognitions, awards and trophies are held , and it is used to pay tribute to those workers who end their working life, in any of their companies, and have left part of their life and good work in them.